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As the cases of COVID19 increases by the day in Nigeria, most citizens are in a panic as they have to stay indoors to reduce the risk of getting the virus or spreading the virus. The virus which is spread through being in proximity to an infected person and inhaling droplets generated when they cough or sneeze, or touching a surface where these droplets land and then touching one’s face or nose is a pandemic that has killed thousands and kept many in isolation.

Access to clean water is very important at this point like it has always been. However, it is unfortunate that a large percentage of those living in rural areas in Nigeria have little or no access to clean water, sink, soap, and sanitizers and these are essentials to every human to survive this pandemic. Most rural communities do not have access to water and they have to travel miles to get any water at all which is most times contaminated and unclean; this is due to the misappropriation of funds allocated for water sources in such communities.

Unclean water can make people sick and those that have consumed such water over the years are likely to have a weak immune system and this puts them on a high mortality rate if they contract the virus. Notwithstanding, it is vital that each person takes precaution by maintaining a good hygiene, clean environment, regularly wipe surfaces with disinfectant, carry out adequate sanitation and drink clean water to stay healthy and hydrated which in turn helps your immune system.
The coronavirus is easily spread and it is necessary for everyone to follow the directives of the World Health Organization to keep safe. This includes;

• Washing your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds with soap or an alcohol-based solution
• Cover your nose or mouth with a bent elbow when you cough or sneeze
• Sanitizing your hands in a case where you have no access to water
• Avoid touching your face
• Stay at least one meter away from others

In a case where you show the symptoms, stay at home and isolate yourself, after which you contact the NCDC on 0800-970000-10 (Toll-Free Call Centre) and
At the moment, no specific vaccine has been recommended for the treatment of Covid19 so it is important to limit your movements and contact with others to avoid contracting and/or spreading the virus.

Stay safe.