WaterWide Celebrates International Day of the Girl 2023: "Invest in Girls' Rights: Our Leadership, Our Well-being"
WaterWide, a steadfast non-profit organization with its roots deeply embedded in Nigeria, proudly joins the global community in…
Government investment in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) is crucial for a variety of reasons, as highlighted in the following bullet points:
Public Health: WASH services, such as clean drinking water and proper…
Access to clean water is essential for the well-being of individuals and communities, and it is often women and girls who bear the burden of collecting water for their households. Here are some…
Tracking Five Million Naria For The Drilling Of 1 Nos Solar-powered Borehole In Ngurara community, Nangere, Yobe State.
The Federal Government of Nigeria received financing from the African Development Fund (ADF)…
Tracking Five Million Naria For The Drilling Of 1 Nos Solar-powered Borehole In Government Secondary School Nangere. Yobe State.
The Federal Government of Nigeria received financing from the African Development Fund (ADF) towards…
Today, 700 million urbanites live without improved sanitation
Urban areas are expected to absorb all of the world’s population growth over the next four decades, as well as accommodating significant rural-to-urban migration. The…
Today, 2.2 billion people lack access to safely managed drinking water services
The benefits of having access to an improved drinking water source can only be fully realized when there is also access…
People are rights-holders and States are duty-bearers of providing water and sanitation services.
Access to water and sanitation is recognized by the United Nations as human rights, reflecting the fundamental nature of these…
women and girls are more vulnerable to abuse and attack while walking to fetch water for household use
Without safe drinking water, adequate sanitation and hygiene facilities at home and in places of…
Water is crucial for human existence. An adequate supply of clean water is one of the most basic human needs. 663 million people in the world live without clean water that’s nearly 1…
Every day in rural communities in Nigeria, millions of people suffer from a lack of access to clean, safe water. For school-aged children, it's a burden that traps them in poverty and poor…
Diseases from dirty water kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war. 43% of those deaths are children under five years old. Access to clean water and basic…